Islam, one of the world’s major religions, originated in the 7th century CE in the Arabian Peninsula, founded on the teachings of Prophet Muhammad. Born around 570 CE in Mecca, Muhammad was known for his honesty and integrity, earning the title “Al-Amin” (the trustworthy). At the age of 40, he received his first revelation from Allah (God) through the Angel Gabriel while meditating in the Cave of Hira.

Prophets Stories including Angels Contact us

Namaz (Salah) Namaz, also known as Salah, is the second pillar of Islam and refers to the ritual prayers performed by Muslims five times a day. These prayers are a direct link between the worshiper and Allah. Performing Salah is a fundamental act of worship and a means of seeking…

Kalimas and Duas Contact us

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Noorani Qaida is an essential book designed to teach beginners, particularly children, how to read the Quran in Arabic. It begins with the basics of the Arabic alphabet and gradually incorporates tajweed rules for correct pronunciation. Here is an outline of the typical lessons included:

Funeral Arrangements
βTo Allah we belong and to
Him is our return.β

Taking the shahada, profession
of the Islamic faith, is one of the
biggest decisions

As Muslims, we are immensely blessed by Allah Almighty, one of His greatest gifts being the Holy Quran, revealed to the final Prophet, Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H). Memorizing the Quran holds immense rewards, both in this life and in the hereafter.